Specialties - Children’s Dental Clinic Navarro Soto , Murcia

Since 1994, Children’s Dental Clinic Navarro Soto work to ensure that our patients have the best of smiles

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Specialities – Dental Infantil Navarro Soto Clinic, Murcia.

20 years molding smiles

[vc_row full_content_width=”” parallax_bg=”” speed=”0.20″ bg_cover=”” bg_repeat=”” bg_position=”Left center” bg_attachment=”” row_seperator=”no-seperator” font_weight=”” textalign=”” top=”70px” bottom=”70px” row_mobile_style=”” row_show_on=””][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_heading title=”We are specialized in full pain control, because our treatments are done under the effects of:” position=”left”][vc_list_item icon_name=”fa-check”]Local anesthesia[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_name=”fa-check”]Sedation surface[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_name=”fa-check”]Deep sedation
[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_name=”fa-check”]General anesthesia[/vc_list_item][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”284″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Pediatric dentists in Murcia

Request your appointment


Fill out the form below to request your appointment

You can carry out your appointment by completing the form below, call the phone +34968201926 or sending an email to info@dentalinfantil.es

How to reach our clinic

Children’s Dental Clinic Navarro Soto is located next to Carrefour and the tram stop towards Molina del Segura.

Av. Juan Carlos I, 33, 30009, Murcia

© Copyright - Clínica dental infantil en Murcia - Navarro Soto - Diseñado por LotusInnovation.es
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